Pet Imagery's BLOG!

This blog features recent news, Pet Imagery Session favorites, related pet photography tips, and anything else that Lauren feels up to sharing! ENJOY :)

Tag Archives: pottstown

New Pet Photography: Smokey and Shelby, German Shephards

  Hey and hello! Thanks for popping over to Pet Imagery for some pet photo goodness! Oh and I’ve got some gorgeous dogs to showcase today! I know I already introduced you to these two here in a previous post  but now I can tell you what an amazing time I had with Smokey, a 4 year old...

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    New Preview: Smokey and Shelby, German Shephards

    Here are a few preview images from my session last weekend with Smokey and Shelby! Can’t wait to share more of this gorgeous pair! Enjoy… Stay tuned next week for the session favorite showcase! Thanks for looking! Lauren 🙂    

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