Pet Imagery's BLOG!

This blog features recent news, Pet Imagery Session favorites, related pet photography tips, and anything else that Lauren feels up to sharing! ENJOY :)

Tag Archives: shar pei mix

New Pet Photography: Ronni, Shar Pei Mix Breed

So you’ve come to check out some new pet photography? Well, you’re in the right place! I’ve had some wonderful photo sessions this fall season! What a real pleasure it is for me to share the photos in this manner. There is just pure joy in seeing a happy pet interacting with their owners and enjoying every moment...

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  • Sherry Vee

    These pictures warm my heart. She looks nearly identical to my 13 yr. old puppy that passed away this last summer. Love the wrinkly forehead!ReplyCancel

    • Lkap1481

      Thank you so much, Sherry!! I appreciate you checking out the work and for your very kind words about my photography! I’m sorry to hear of your pup’s recent passing. I think our pets are always with us. It’s nice to hear that sweet Ronni reminded you of your babe. Wishing you a nice holiday season!ReplyCancel

  • Alison

    My puppy looks exactly like this dog! He name is Leo and he is a shar pei/lab/Great Dane mix. Random but they are nearly identical. Leo is just a little shorter. He is not quite 5 months old yet. These are really great photos! I have such a hard time getting him to be still enough for many good photos.ReplyCancel