Its FRIDAY and that means it’s time for Pet Imagery’s Session Favorites! I’ve got a sweet duo to showcase today! Say “hey” to Kahlua and Guinness! These two were celebrating birthdays (1yr and 4yrs) so what better way to mark the occasion than to have a photo session! I have a slight obsession with bulldog faces so this was a real treat for me! We spent most of our time exploring the grounds around their home and just chilled in their spots! Guinness showed off how much he enjoys standing on chairs while Kahlua never went far without one of her toys! It wasn’t too hot but the pups got plenty of water and we even got some snuggly indoor time! These two really loved the spotlight and they happily posed for me in the summer sun! I think they were pretty pooped after all the picture taking! Here are a few highlights from our time together!

Thank you for taking the time to view the images! Wishing you a great weekend!