Hey there! Happy #felinefriday! I’m happy to showcase some gorgeous kitties for you today! I had the pleasure of meeting Frankie and Moe earlier this month for a relaxing session at their beautiful home in Philly. Moe (charcoal colored coat) was a little camera shy at first but felt more comfortable after giving me a tour of the downstairs. He politely explained to me that snuggly spots were upstairs in mom and dad’s bedroom–of course they are–so that’s where I went! I then found Frankie, who was expertly cuddled up in her favorite chair, looking all glam casual! She proceeded to work the camera like she had done this a million times over! I especially loved getting to see her gorgeous Tortoiseshell color coat outside. We took a quick trip out to her patio and her face just lit up with joy and curiosity! Here are a few faves from our time together!

Wishing you a fantastic weekend! Thanks for checking out the images! Please share with your pet loving friends!