Hey, it’s me again! I’m coming at you with ANOTHER session favorites today! Two in one day, I’m going for it! This turned out to be a very special gift session as Leo crossed over the bridge just two days after our big photo shoot. Looking back on our time together, I know he truly enjoyed all the love and attention that came his way. While Leo’s legs didn’t work like they used to, he still strutted his sweet senior frame around the familiar neighborhood streets, supported by his loving parents. Mostly, Leo basked in the light (and flower dust!) while people walking by cheered him on! I distinctly remember someone yelling out “seeing this totally made my day!” It’s so true: Leo spread smiles everywhere he went (and he’s lived in a lot of cities)! I’m just so honored to have met him and glad we had the opportunity to capture these moments. He was one of the happiest dogs I’ve ever met! Pure joy! I know his fam will really cherish these memories.
Thank you so much for checking out the images! I’ll be featuring my session with Louis the French Bulldog, next!