Pet Imagery's BLOG!

This blog features recent news, Pet Imagery Session favorites, related pet photography tips, and anything else that Lauren feels up to sharing! ENJOY :)

Tag Archives: cancer sucks

New Dog Photography: Sydney, Beagle; Hoboken, NJ

Hey hi and HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you had a great week and I appreciate you stopping by for another episode of Pet Imagery session favorites! In late summer, I popped up to Hoboken for a special shoot for a special pup! I had the pleasure of photographing Sydney back in Nov 2019 after she...

New Dog Photography: Hoppy, Rat Terrier Mix; Norristown, PA

Hey, Hi and HELLO! Happy Friday folks and welcome to another episode of Pet Imagery Session Favorites! I’m excited to showcase the spirited and sweet Hoppy today! Hoppy’s mom reached out to me shortly after finding out that her beloved babe was diagnosed with terminal cancer. As one can imagine, the devastating news has been...

New Pet Photography: Hunter and Family; Philadelphia, PA

Hey folks! Happy Friday! I’ve got a very special kitty crew to showcase today so thank you for joining me for this Pet Imagery Session Favorites. Today I am featuring the incredible Hunter and his awesome furry pals. Hunter came into my world after his mom received the devastating news that he was battling pancreatic...